Critical Reviews2023-07-12T12:35:51+01:00


The Pension’s Authority published the final version of their Code of Practice for Trustees of occupational pension schemes in November 2021. The Code of Practice requires Trustees to conduct critical reviews of both Investment Services and Administration Services at least every three years. The purpose of the critical review is to consider whether to retain or possibly replace the existing service provider, and a summary of the process undertaken and the reasons for the final decision must be clearly documented.

At Acuvest, we have always been firm proponents of the importance of independent advice. In relation to critical reviews for occupational pension schemes, our viewpoint aligns closely with the guidance provided in the Pensions Authority’s Code of Practice.

Why Acuvest

Acuvest has over €4.5 billion in assets under advice and we provide investment consulting services to a number of the largest schemes in the country.  Critically reviewing investment managers is part of the manager due diligence and ongoing oversight processes we provide as part of our investment consulting services. We have long established processes in place and have good working relationships with investment managers across the globe.

Why Acuvest

Acuvest has over €4.5 billion in assets under advice and we provide investment consulting services to a number of the largest schemes in the country.  Critically reviewing investment managers is part of the manager due diligence and ongoing oversight processes we provide as part of our investment consulting services. We have long established processes in place and have good working relationships with investment managers across the globe.

Planning your Critical Review

The Code of Practice is not overly prescriptive on the format of critical reviews. As a starting point, Trustee Boards will need to agree the scope of the initial critical review, considering the following may be helpful.

Investment Objectives

Do we fully understand the objective(s) of our existing investment mandates?

Independent Advice

Is our current investment consultant truly independent or do we need external support?

Fees & Charges

Do we understand the fees we are paying? Could we get better value for money for scheme members?

Fund Performance

Do we assess performance against appropriate benchmarks and conduct periodic peer analysis?

Member Choices

Do the investment choices of our existing membership align with their investment needs & objectives?


Do our contracts meet the requirements set out in the code of practice?

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